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Become a Sponsor

Restoring passenger rail service throughout the Greater Northwest is a partnership effort. Help make it a success by sponsoring the 2022 Greater Northwest Passenger Rail Summit!

Benefits Supporter Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Commitment $500 $1000 $2000 $3000 $4000
Your company logo and link on summit website Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Recognition of your company during summit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Logo on slide show during summit breaks Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Logo on summit signs Yes Yes Yes Yes
Logo on summit agenda/printed materials Yes Yes Yes Yes
Company logo on pre-summit emails Yes Yes Yes Yes
Logo and link on summit website for 12 months Yes Yes Yes
Your company brochure inserted into summit agenda packet Yes Yes Yes
6’ skirted display table (both days) Yes Yes Yes
Monday dinner / In Transit screening sponsorship Yes Yes
Tuesday Lunch sponsorship Yes Yes
Gala dinner sponsorship Yes
Number of full summit registrations included 1 2 2 3 4

Become a sponsor online at the All Aboard Northwest website at https://allaboardnw.org/support/ or contact us at https://gnwprs.org/contact/.

Download and print this information in PDF format.

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